Sunday, November 8, 2015

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)

The Bride continues her quest of vengeance against her former boss and lover Bill, the reclusive bouncer Budd and the treacherous, one-eyed Elle.


 Quentin Tarantino.


 Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino (character The Bride) (as Q).


 Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Michael Madsen.

Story line

The murderous Bride is back and she is still continuing her vengeance quest against her ex-boss, Bill, and taking aim at Bill's younger brother Budd and Elle Driver, the only survivors from the squad of assassins who betrayed her four years earlier. It's all leading up to the ultimate confrontation with Bill, the Bride's former master and the man who ordered her execution! 

This Movie Reviews

Oh Boy. How does one start? Quentin, me owld mate... What a crock of... well, you know. After the first KB, I was expecting something special. Yes, you did indeed "tell the story" behind The Bride's search for revenge, but in honesty, at the end of the day, why did you bother? Oh. Silly me. Money, that's why!

Mr T, I have always had a soft spot for you, your awful tongue-in-cheek cameos, your shocking, raw film-making, and your sheer enthusiasm for the medium of film, but to use your language - for f***s sake! What were you thinking man? This is 1st year film student stuff. I watched this last night with my partner. We were hard pushed to stay awake! Neither of us could believe just how s-l-o-w this film was. The story could have been told in less than 15 minutes!! What gets my goat is that you took 15 minutes-worth of story, blew it out of all proportion, and then sold it to us poor slobs as a fitting sequel to KB1. Man, I have lost a lot of respect for you.

Oh, and before you other losers on here give me a hard time about "The Art" or that "Action isn't everything", get a grip! This film didn't have any art and bog-all action!! It had no substance. It did not "Grab you" and make you want to stay in your seat. We only stopped to the end because we had paid to see it.

QT, if you ever read this - you should be ashamed of yourself. I want my money and the time you took from me returned.

To anyone reading this review, if it ever gets posted up - beware, there are going to be a serious number of disappointed people out there and you may be one of them. QT said it would be "different". What he did not say was just how different from "Good" that it would be. This is QT's worst film. EVER.

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