Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fury (2014)

April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened Army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.


 David Ayer.


 David Ayer.


 Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman.

Story line

April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened Army sergeant named Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered, and out-gunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

Fury Movie Reviews

he professional reviews who compared this to old fashioned war films obviously never saw any old fashioned war films. This most closely resembles a first person shooter game. The idea had lots of potential (lone tank unit in the final days of WWII), but it is so poorly executed that you don't care about the plot or characters. It's no Saving Private Ryan. It's not even close to being an Inglourius Basterds. Inglorious Basterds though bloody was at least a fun romp. This movie just makes you want to take a shower afterwards. Oh, and as other reviewers have stated, it recycles every previous WWII movie cliché. It even has Karl Orff soundalike soundtrack. 

On the plus side, SCTV's Farm Film Report would love it. Lots of stuff blows up. It blows up real good.

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